So you're ready to shout your news about your pregnancy from the rooftops? Slow down. How you break the news to your boss can impact your job for the better – or worse. Take our tips to heart to ensure you come across as professional and responsible no matter how giddy you are to take a leave.
Choose a time: This one's a personal choice that depends on the nature of your work, your relationship with your boss and how well you're feeling. If your job exposes you to harmful chemicals or substances, or could otherwise endanger the health of your child, you'll want to let your employer in on your secret right away. On the other hand, you may wish to wait until your second trimester, when you begin to show and the risk of miscarriage significantly declines. Waiting gives you the opportunity to craft a plan and prove your worth on the job.
Know your rights: Even a workplace that's not family friendly in the least cannot terminate you on the grounds that you have a baby on the way. Familiarize yourself with your company's maternity policies. Learn what time is available to you – and what works for you and your partner – before you talk to your supervisor.
Craft a plan: Understand that your news may throw your boss for a loop. Ease his or her mind by coming to the conversation with a plan for your absence. Detail what major projects you can wrap up before your due date. Make recommendations for how your team will handle your workload while you're away. Then, describe how you envision transitioning back to work. Thinking ahead will underscore that you're committed to your job and looking out for your teammates. What's more, having a plan in place will ensure a more organized and stress-free transition.
Give enough notice: If you don't plan on returning to your work after baby arrives, it's a good idea to give your employer plenty of notice. Crafting a plan for your departure, as laid out above, and offering to train a new hire helps ease stress for all involved. Even further, doing your best to safeguard your relationship with your boss ensures you have a reference should you choose to some day rejoin the workforce.
So what do you think? Have you already told your boss about your pregnancy? Share your experience and join in on our discussion below.
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