The most tell-tale sign of being pregnant is missing your period, but there are other hints that may allude that your adventure in motherhood is about to begin. Look out for some of these early pregnancy symptoms before a missed period when it’s still too early to take a test:
Shortness of breath: When your baby is growing, your body needs even more oxygen to keep up. As a result, you may find that you’re short on breath. Don’t assume it will lighten up, either – shortness of breath often sticks around throughout pregnancy as the baby gets big enough to push on your lungs and diaphragm.
If you suddenly feel extremely exhausted or tired, it may be an early sign of pregnancy. Other than a missed period, it’s one of the most common signs that you’re pregnant. Those who are feeling tired but think they may be pregnant shouldn’t treat it with excessive amounts of caffeine.
Sore breasts:
Does it look like your breasts may be getting bigger? Or are they sensitive? This early sign of pregnancy may lead to feelings of discomfort, so be sure to wear a super supportive bra when you notice your breasts getting sore.
Morning sickness: Feeling nauseous and vomiting is one of the first indications that you’re pregnant. These symptoms are related to morning sickness, which can sometimes last into your second trimester. Your body’s hormone production is rising, so the combination of those hormones makes you feel sick.
Frequent urination: When you’re pregnant, your body will produce extra fluids. That means you may find yourself getting up and running to use the restroom more frequently.
Headaches: Those changing hormones will also cause you to have headaches. If you experience this early pregnancy sign, be sure you’re taking acetaminophen that’s safe for use in pregnant women rather than ibuprofen to help deal with the pain.
Back pain and cramping:
If you notice that your back is starting to ache and you’re cramping, it may be an early sign that you’re expecting. Your ligaments are loosening so that your pelvis can expand for delivery nine months from now. The cramping may also come from your uterus expanding to accommodate your growing baby.
Food sensitivities: Notice that certain kinds of food make you want to vomit? That may be an early sign of pregnancy. Having food cravings early on isn’t uncommon either, so if you notice food issues that haven’t always been around then it may be that you’re pregnant.
Moody: As the hormones begin increasing and navigating through your body, you’ll tend to be a little more moody. If it seems to come out of nowhere and find yourself fighting with your partner over things that haven’t really bothered you before, then it could be your body trying to tell you that you’re pregnant.
Of course, when you think that you may be pregnant, the only way to confirm it is to see a physician where you can take a test and undergo a pelvic exam. What were some of the early pregnancy signs you experienced? Tell us below in the comments!
I spot a week before my period light pink head aches back pain shortness of breath I don’t know if I and pregnant
Belly cramping and dizziness when my head hurts
Feeling vomiting,weekness