If you’re pregnant, you might be a little bit too familiar with advice from passersby concerning your pregnancy and the health of your baby. These ideas may be confusing, and ultimately it’s up to you to determine what the right advice is. If you’re struggling to find good advice about staying healthy while pregnant, here are a few tips to keep in mind and ask your doctor about.
Exercise safely
Unless instructed by a doctor not to exercise while pregnant, it is recommended to engage in physical activities for two hours and thirty minutes each week. Maintaining a healthy weight through exercise and good dietary practices can help you control your cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Engage in less strenuous activities such as walking, dancing, swimming, or riding a bicycle. Activities such as soccer, skiing, gymnastics should be discouraged to avoid hitting your belly or falling. Also, avoid working out in a place with extreme heat, and do all exercises in moderation. Staying healthy while pregnant also involves practicing Kegel exercises to assist you during and after delivery.
Make regular visits to the doctor
Start prenatal clinics early for the doctor to monitor your health and that of the unborn baby. Start medications if your doctor recommends any to you. If you experience any symptoms like dizziness, bleeding, fever, vomiting, extreme headaches, or swelling, you should go to the hospital immediately. Avoid self-medication because you may not be aware of the impact that certain medications could have on your baby. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, pregnant mothers should get flu and whooping cough vaccines. Ask your doctor about this and make sure to get vaccinated at the right time during your pregnancy.
Eat in-season fruits and vegetables
Staying healthy while pregnant has a lot to do with how you nourish yourself. During pregnancy, you shouldn’t cut calories or attempt a fad diet. Your focus needs to be on providing proper nutrition for both yourself and your unborn child. Some major biotech crops, like corn and soybeans, may have additives that aren’t good for you during pregnancy, so try to shop local and organic when possible. Ensure your diet has fruits and vegetables, such as dark leafy green vegetables, which are rich in iron. Those nutrients are essential for making red blood cells and helping your body function properly.
Stay away from harmful substances and practices
If you’re concerned about staying healthy while pregnant, you need to avoid drugs, alcohol, and smoking. Not sure what these substances can do to your baby during pregnancy? Let’s take a look:
- Alcohol: Alcohol is passed to the baby while in the womb and may cause mental and physical abnormalities. It can also cause FASDs (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders).
- Drugs: The use of cocaine, heroin, and other drugs may expose the baby to congenital disabilities, premature birth, and even addiction to the substance you’re using.
- Tobacco: This substance contains nicotine which may cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), low weight at birth, premature births, and problems related to the respiratory system.
Make sure that you’re thinking about your baby and avoiding these substances until you are done breastfeeding to keep your baby safe and healthy.
Drive safe
When pregnant, you’ll still need to travel at times, which is okay. However, staying healthy while pregnant means taking every precaution necessary when travel is part of the picture. Consult your doctor if going for a longer distance and out of the country. If driving, take serious safety measures to avoid accidents. In 2020, motor vehicle accident fatalities fell by 2%, which means people took proper care on the road. Always wear a safety belt and place it between your breasts and avoid placing it across or above your belly. Sit a considerable distance away from the steering wheel and dashboard. If you feel dizzy or tired, do not drive. With spring showers, there are certain season-specific risks, like hydroplaning, so make sure that you’re driving in safe conditions when you go out.
When you’re concerned about staying healthy while pregnant, make sure you keep these tips in mind. In addition, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor with questions.
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