Hardest thing about this pregnancy: Maximizing work time with family time but also trying to do my job and be a mom [to 4-year-old Josh]. If I’m filling in for Ann [Curry], I’m up at 4:30. If I’m doing my usual, then I’m up at 5:30. That hour makes a big difference. Thank God I didn’t have morning sickness!
Cravings: My first cue was craving cheeseburgers and citrus [like during my last pregnancy]. So right away, I pretty much felt like I was having another boy.
Like crazy! And we’re renovating on top of it, so the nesting thing is in crazy overdrive, because you just want things in order. Then of course, [I’m] hormonal, so the contractors had to deal with a little bit of that, too.
Running: I still run. I’m very slow, comparatively. I ran when was pregnant with Josh, up until three days before I went into labor. It actually helped things move along. My doctors say keep doing what you do, as long as it feels OK for you.
Everybody thinks you’re the crazy pregnant woman running down the street, but in my case, it takes the edge off, keeps the hormones in check, and it’s my way of letting off steam. It also keeps my energy high, especially when I’m getting up at 4:30 in the morning.
Pregnancy dreams: I have dreams that my teeth are falling out.
Her great maternity wardrobe: Ultimately, I think if you exude that inner confidence, whatever you’re wearing people will just think it fits you and looks great on you.
Designer go-tos: Missoni has been just wonderful because the wrap [dresses] are great and I pretty much have [worn] them from not being pregnant…all the way through my pregnancy. Diane von Furstenberg, too, has that stretchy material. With the skirts, I’ve basically just brought the waist up higher, and they still fit. I just tend to buy bigger sizes and try to not spend a lot.
Breastfeeding: I’m going to give it a go again. Last time it was hard—it’s a lot of work, as everybody tells you. I truly believe in giving him the best start and I think breastfeeding is the healthiest thing you can give your child.
I tried to keep breastfeeding [after I went back to work], which of course is very hard to do on this schedule. I brought the pump to work, but I didn’t have an office back in those days, so I had to find a private place to pump. So I’m in the bathroom stall and you hear this little, “reee, reee, reee.” I did that for one or two days, and I was just like, this is so mortifyingly embarrassing. People were walking in and saying, “What is that noise?” It’s the milking machine!
Vaccinations: I believe in the benefits of modern medicine, and I think it’s important to give your child whatever immunizations you can. I think you should work it out with the doctor where you can space it out and not do it all at once. It’s important to make sure that you read everything and do your own research to find out what’s best for you and then talk to your doctor.
The baby blues: In the beginning you feel overwhelmed and you feel like you’re alone. My husband went back to work, and I just [thought], “OK, now what do I do with this little baby?” and, “Can I trust myself to take care of this baby?”
I mean, they’re crying and crying and crying, what can you do to stop the crying? It can drive you a little batty if you’re home alone with no sleep and all the pressure of being a first-time parent.
Advice for pregnant women over 35: When having a child, you can’t have any preconceived time line because, when it comes down to it, sometimes it’s pretty damned difficult to get pregnant, which it was with me.
Advice for first-time moms: The best thing is when your instincts kick in—just rely on them. Enjoy each day for what it is and all the little challenges that you have, because it’s the best time in a woman’s life.
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