Moon Bloodgood, who starred in Terminator Salvation, The Sessions and Falling Skies, recently showed up on the red carpet flaunting her baby bump. She made her radiant debut at the premiere of The Sessions at The LACMA Bing Theatre in Los Angeles, California. This will be the first child for the actress and her husband Grady Hall.
Photots posted on show the star wearing a blue-gray floor-length gown with a V-neckline and sleeves that fell to her elbows. The dress also featured an empire waist that hit just above her growing bump. She accessorized with a bracelet, dangling earrings and a sparkly clutch and kept her long, dark hair down, parted in the center and swept over one shoulder.
Back in August, Conan O'Brien interviewed Moon about her pregnancy and her role on Falling Skies. During the segment, she revealed that she's been having some pretty strange dreams.
"I've had a frequent dream where I'm killing someone," she said on the show. "I had a dream where I was killing a woman and she was broken into pieces, and I just kept hammering in her face. I don't know what this means, this is awful!"
Hopefully the nightmares have quieted down since then – after all, she looked well-rested on the red carpet!
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