There’s a lot that you’ll go through on your journey to motherhood, so we’re taking a moment to highlight some of the most important experiences along the way.
First trimester
Although you should quit any bad habits before you get pregnant, you’ll definitely want to be sure that you’re no longer drinking caffeine, drinking alcohol or consuming certain foods by week 4.
One day you’ll wake up and notice you’re feeling pretty sick. Morning sickness usually starts between weeks 5 and 7 and can last through week 16.
You’ll visit the doctor anywhere between weeks 5 and 8, at which point you’ll also schedule monthly doctor’s appointments. Then, when you reach the end of week 12 and prepare to start your second trimester, you should start sharing the good news with family and friends.
Second trimester
The second trimester begins around week 14 and continues through week 26. This is when the morning sickness begins to subside and most mothers start to enjoy their pregnancy.
Sometime between week 16 and week 22 you’ll feel baby’s first kicks. It feels like butterflies at first, and you may not notice them until you begin to feel the quick little jabs in your belly.
Between weeks 18 and 24 you may want to plan a babymoon with your partner. Book a weekend getaway so you two can relax and enjoy some time together before your lives change forever.
The most exciting part of the pregnancy occurs around week 20 when you get your first ultrasound and decide if you want to know the sex of your baby. Once you know the sex of your baby, you can start planning the nursery. Picking out a crib, changing table and the colors of the room are some of the most exciting parts about becoming a mom.
Third trimester
The third trimester begins at week 27. These last few months of pregnancy are rather uneventful, except for the big day when you go to the hospital to deliver!
Around week 32 your friends and family will likely throw you a baby shower. You’ll receive plenty of gifts during this love-filled event and will be able to cross a lot off of your ”need to buy” list.
You should spend the last few weeks of your pregnancy packing a hospital bag for yourself, your partner and the baby in case you go into labor before your due date. You’ll also want to make sure the car seat is installed so you can bring baby home!
What pregnancy milestones are you most excited about reaching? Share your comments below!
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