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Your postnatal abs: the changes, test, and exercises

postnatal abs

How have your abs changed? 

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It’s hard to believe, but over the course of your pregnancy your abdominal muscles will stretch by more than 50 percent. As your baby grows, your muscles will lengthen and your six-pack muscle (Rectus) divide and separate into two halves. This stretches, and in some cases, tears the delicate tissues of the Linea Alba. Your Linea Alba, which for some women darkens during pregnancy, is the connective tissue that joins all the layers of your abs at the midline of the body, reaching from your sternum to your pubic bone. The separation that occurs during pregnancy is called Diastasis Recti and is 100 percent normal.

Almost every woman will have some degree of abdominal separation postpartum, but it will vary greatly in severity. If you have had a C-section,  it may be quite significant due to the medical procedure. Focusing on repairing and reconnecting your abdominals is the crucial first step when returning to fitness. If you don’t first close your diastasis, you will never have a flat belly, you can experience worsening back pain, and will have lasting postural issues.

How to test 

We measure Diastasis three ways – length, width, and depth. Learning how to self-assess your abs is really important as it helps track your success and works as an excellent guide to ensure that you are progressing at the right pace and ready for the next phase of your recovery exercises.

What exercises heal Diastasis Recti?

There is no rushing this healing process – it requires consistency, patience, and repetition. The correct exercises target the muscles of the deep core – the Transverses Abdmoninis (TVA) and the Pelvic Floor muscles (PFM)– which bring the two sides back together and provide essential support and stability for the pelvis and spine. The trick is that the TVA and PFM are thinking muscles– this means you don’t move to engage them. You have to find the mind-body connection to activate them.

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Seated, deep core breathing exercises are the first and only way to strengthen the TVA and PFM and these can start the day after you have given birth.



— Ali Handley is a New York-based Pilates instructor, founder of BodyLove Pilates, and mother of two young children. Moving to New York from Australia in 2009, Ali began working at an exclusive Pilates practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and in the Hamptons, where she discovered her passion for pre and postnatal Pilates. Experiencing firsthand the physical demands of carrying and caring for a baby, Ali wants to share her knowledge of the human body and personal journey with mamas and mamas-to-be worldwide. BodyLove Pilates is an online studio dedicated to ensuring pre and postnatal women are informed about their bodies and work out smarter, safer, and more effectively during this important time in their lives. For more information on exercising post-delivery, check out the BodyLove Pilates six-week postpartum training program.

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