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Traveling while pregnant – what you need to know

traveling while pregnant

Air travel always involves at least a bit of mild discomfort, and when you’re pregnant that discomfort can be magnified. But sometimes, flying just can’t be avoided. Is it safe to travel by plane while pregnant? Here’s what you need to know.

As long as your pregnancy is normal and healthy, it is generally safe to fly. The ideal time for air travel while pregnant is the second trimester – when morning sickness is over, the risk of miscarriage is low and you’re becoming used to the feeling of being pregnant. In general, you should avoid air travel after 36 weeks.

When flying while pregnant, it is important to bring plenty of water with you. Travelers often become dehydrated, which is dangerous for moms-to-be.

As for airport security, the machines used by TSA agents are considered safe for use by everyone, including pregnant women.

If you are at risk for complications or experiencing conditions such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or multiples, it is best to check with your physician before booking any airplane flights.

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