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4 things every single mom should know

Mother helping son wearing helmet for cycling at park. Boy getting ready by wearing bike helmet to start cycling.

Parenting solo can be a tough job, no matter how extensive and loyal your support network is. Balancing your career and obligations at home with preparing for your newborn can be enough to drive any sane woman over the edge. Keeping these four things in mind can help any single mom gain more insight and feel like she has a sense of direction in the coming years.

1. You’re not alone

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As a single mother, you may feel like you’re vulnerable to a wide variety of difficult situations, and while it’s true that you have to overcome many challenges, the fact is, you’re not alone. Understanding that you’re not the only person who has to grapple with the hardships that can occur as a result of being a single parent is key to reducing problems that can arise.

2. Don’t forget to take care of yourself

Getting ready for baby can feel like a job in itself, and when you’re doing it alone, it can leave you feeling even more stressed out than ever before. If you’re undergoing anxiety and are overwhelmed due to your job and your role as a single mother, why not take this as an opportunity to pamper yourself? Consider taking a bubble bath, spending time out with friends or just reading a good book – this is sure to help you de-stress after a tough work day.

Read more: The single mom’s guide to raising a baby

3. Accept help

It’s okay to admit that you need help from time to time, since doing so can ensure that you have the support you need in the event of a difficult situation. Remember that your friends and loved ones are there to help and guide you when you need assistance most – they can be a shoulder to lean on in times of hardship.

4. Plan ahead

Emergencies can strike when you least expect them to, and when they happen, they can impact your ability to care for your little one and juggle the demands of the workplace at the same time. By planning ahead for potential issues, you can reduce their effect and ensure that your family has everything they need to weather any storm.


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