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Are you a good VBAC candidate?

Many women want to be able to give birth to their babies naturally, but for a variety of reasons, not all are able to do so. Whether you deliberately opted for a cesarean section or needed one in an emergency, you’re not alone – more than a quarter of all babies are not delivered vaginally. If you’re pregnant with another child and are hoping for a shot at vaginal birth, we’ve got great news: about 90 percent of women who have had C-sections are candidates for VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean.

Of course, it’s important to note that women who have had C-sections but desire to give birth naturally the next time around are at risk for uterine rupture, a very serious complication that could render them infertile or even threaten their lives – as well as the safety of their babies. However, if you had a typical cesarean section with a low transverse incision, your risk of uterine rupture is approximately 1 in 500 – which may make it worth it to some.

You’re a good candidate for VBAC if you have not had more than two previous C-sections, you don’t have any other uterine abnormalities, the issue that necessitated your first c-section is no longer a problem and your baby is normal and healthy. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, or are having twins, a VBAC is generally not recommended. But not to worry – once your little one is laid in your arms, you won’t be worrying much about how he or she came into the world.

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