When I found out I was pregnant, I freaked out. I knew I wanted to have kids eventually but having one so soon was definitely not my plan. It was 2009 and the economy was melting down like a Twitter celeb on Ambien. I lost my job at an art restoration firm in Chicago. No one was hiring—and even if they were, a pregnant woman was not their ideal candidate. So just like that, I … [Read more...] about How to be cool in your new #momlife
What you’ll love – and hate – about pregnancy
Being pregnant is a big chapter in your life, but we'll be honest: not all of it's sunshine and rainbows. There are times when you'll find that you could be pregnant forever and times when you'll hate it. One of the most amazing parts of being pregnant is when you get to feel those little kicks. You may not realize what they are at first because they … [Read more...] about What you’ll love – and hate – about pregnancy
What you really need to know about your post-baby body
Ladies, I have figured out the real reason that French women are so darn confident. Four years ago, I gave birth to my first child in France and became privy to a fascinating secret: pelvic floor and vaginal health are incredibly important to the French. The reason I know that now is because I took part in a program that every woman who gives birth in France participates in … [Read more...] about What you really need to know about your post-baby body
Top five pregnancy concerns of moms-to-be
Pregnancy is a time filled with excitement and changes but for many new moms, the journey can be overwhelming. I see many new expecting mothers in my office who, naturally, have many questions about each trimester, including what to expect, what’s considered normal, and what they should be doing differently. There are a few questions that seem to come up time and time again, … [Read more...] about Top five pregnancy concerns of moms-to-be
Fast facts on fish oils and pregnancy
Congratulations! You’re pregnant and you know your calorie needs have increased to support your growing baby. But, your new calorie goals are not a free pass to eat anything and everything you can get your hands on (Hardly! Most pregnant women need just 300-450 extra calories per day during pregnancy and breastfeeding). Pay attention to the quality and type of nutrients you … [Read more...] about Fast facts on fish oils and pregnancy