Perhaps to prime us for a lifetime of our children leaving things behind, it turns out that babies shed fetal cells before being born. These cells live inside the mother's body, even years after a child has been delivered - meaning that as moms, we carry a physical piece of our babies with us wherever we go. Sounds sweet, doesn't it? Researchers don't quite know what these … [Read more...] about The surprising thing your newborn leaves behind in your body
Why you should stay away from sweets in your last trimester
Junk food addiction sounds like good fodder for a sketch comedy skit. Yet, women all over the nation are priming their babies to become fiends for high-fat, high-sugar diets later in life. And the results aren't so funny. The medical field has long known that an unhealthy diet during pregnancy can have negative effects on baby. Now, new research out of the University of … [Read more...] about Why you should stay away from sweets in your last trimester
Pregnancy hormones strike dad, too
Sure, you're the one with the growing baby bump, but there are changes afoot for dad-to-be too. He may not be battling pregnancy acne or suffering swollen ankles, but your partner has his own set of prenatal shifts happening inside his body. Just as these fluctuations affect women and cause symptoms such as morning sickness, mood swings, hair growth and more, discovering … [Read more...] about Pregnancy hormones strike dad, too
Healthy diet, healthy child – even years later
What can you do to ensure your child stays healthy years down the line? Take care of yourself before and during pregnancy. This advice is nothing new, but across the pond in England, a new report shows that the vast majority of health care providers don't monitor or advise women on health, nutrition and exercise.This study, released by the Infant and Toddler Forum, called … [Read more...] about Healthy diet, healthy child – even years later
Ways For Pregnant Women To Keep Fit
I’m pregnant with my second child and I am doing this pregnancy a little differently. When I was pregnant with my son four years ago, I didn’t do a whole lot of exercising. Unless you count making brownies and then eating the entire pan of said brownies as exercise . This time around I’m making a point to stay more active, so today I wanted to share some great exercises for … [Read more...] about Ways For Pregnant Women To Keep Fit