Pregnant? Your next year is bound to be full of joy, excitement and dollar signs. According to a 2013 U.S. Department of Agriculture report, the average baby costs new parents around $12,800 for the first year. But before you break into a cold sweat, stop and make a plan. Budgeting for your little one can help you navigate these pricey waters - and keep stress and frustration … [Read more...] about Pregnancy to-do: Build a baby budget
6 sweet gifts that say ‘Welcome to fatherhood’
While you're the one with the burgeoning baby belly and tiresome symptoms, it's easy to forget that dad has a role in the pregnancy experience too. He attends all of your prenatal appointments, squeezing your hand with glee at the sound of that tiny heartbeat. He's reading parenting books on the sly and researching the safest car seat around. If you're … [Read more...] about 6 sweet gifts that say ‘Welcome to fatherhood’
How to Handle Women’s Emotions (And Men’s)
Women's emotional mobility is profound. But most men are responding in exactly the wrong way and turning precious moments of vulnerability into belabored experiences of suffering and conflict. buy singulair online singulair no prescription online pharmacy buy albenza online cheap pharmacy Women often aren't much better at being with our vulnerability. Collectively it … [Read more...] about How to Handle Women’s Emotions (And Men’s)
Science says ‘Moms, eat your veggies’
A new report of nursing moms comes with a call-to-action: Eat your veggies. In this paper, published in the journal PLOS ONE and led by Purdue University, researchers studied the nutritional makeup of breast milk from moms in the U.S., Mexico and China."Studying the composition of human milk is one of the best guides we have for determining optimal nutrition intake for … [Read more...] about Science says ‘Moms, eat your veggies’
Pregnant? Kick BPA out of your kitchen
Ditch plastics for a healthier baby. That certainly sounds like a crazy claim, but bisphenol-A, a component found in most plastic products, may wreak havoc on developing systems. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 90 percent of Americans have traces of the chemical in their blood streams.What's the harm?BPA has been used to harden plastics for … [Read more...] about Pregnant? Kick BPA out of your kitchen