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How to choose a baby carrier

By Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns ~~~


Babies love to be carried – but parent arms get tired. A baby carrier can be invaluable during the first two years of your baby’s life. There are many types and styles to choose from, so take your time picking the right match for your family.


Slings and soft carriers

These are made of fabric and are available in a wide variety of styles. They “sling” sash-style over your shoulder, or criss-cross over your back to hold baby in front of you. These offer many benefits to both baby and parent. Here are some of the most commonly cited by experienced users:

An important note about baby carriers and slings: They can be confusing to use at first, and your baby can slide out of the bottom if not positioned correctly. Try to find an experienced user, a how-to video, or a knowledgeable doula, midwife or educator to help you master the art of baby carrying. Your local La Leche League leader may be able to offer pointers, too.

Soft carriers are very much worth the effort. I bought one for my first baby, but I couldn’t figure it out, so I left it in the closet. When my second baby was born, I attended a mother-baby class, learned how to use carriers ¾ and was immediately hooked! I used them extensively with my third and fourth babies from the day of birth and found them to be a marvelous baby care tool.

Front packs

Front pack carriers are similar to slings and soft carriers, but are more complex in their structure. They have a seat that attaches to the front of you with straps that crisscross behind you; these straps secure the carrier to your body. Here’s what you need to know about front packs:


A back carrier is similar to a camping backpack. It has a seat for your baby that attaches to your back with a frame and straps that cross over your shoulders. A few things to know about backpacks:

How do you decide which carrier to use?

No single baby carrier is perfect for all parents. Every parent has different needs, preferences and proportions. Many people begin with one type of carrier and move on to another when their babies get older, or start out with two different types and alternate between them depending on the current purpose.

Think about how you plan to use a carrier. Will you use it primarily at home, instead of a stroller while away from home, or both? Do you already have a stroller, or must your carrier fill all your baby-carrying needs? Defining its purpose will help you choose which carrier is best for you. Read the package information (or talk to other parents who own a similar carrier) to learn which purposes it serves best and to determine if it matches your needs.

The very best way to decide? Try carriers on ¾ either at the store or with a friend who owns one. Putting your baby in the carrier will give you the best idea as to fit, but if you are shopping without your baby (or don’t have your baby yet!) try using a stuffed animal from the toy department!

Points to consider when purchasing a carrier:   


Elizabeth Pantley is a mother of four, grandmother, and author of the bestselling book, The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns plus 8 other books in the No-Cry Solution Series, which helps Moms and Dads through all key stages of parenting.  Visit her at



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