Say what you will about porn, there is no question about how bad it is when our kids view it. online pharmacy buy sinequan no prescription Shockingly, I can't tell you how many really conscious parents I know who aren't protecting their kids from the plethora of extremely available online pornography. buy neurontin online … [Read more...] about Porn. Are Your Kids Protected?!
Are used breast pumps actually dangerous?
When it comes to getting ready for baby online pharmacy order celexa no prescription with best prices today in the USA , most first time mothers are preoccupied with trying to get everything they might need to care for a little guy or girl successfully after returning from the hospital. For those who have decided to breastfeed their babies, this can mean investing in a … [Read more...] about Are used breast pumps actually dangerous?
5 ways to connect with little ones during the holidays
Parenting is a full-time job and it’s not your only responsibility, especially during the hectic holidays. If you feel like quality time with your baby or toddler is getting pushed aside as you juggle the added responsibilities of the season, here are five quick ways to sneak much-needed quality time in without adding stress or changing your routine. Read a book Take time … [Read more...] about 5 ways to connect with little ones during the holidays
My advice to first trimester moms-to-be
When I realized I might be pregnant, I took five pregnancy tests in the week after the first positive result. I needed confirmation it was real. The strips piled up in our bathroom trash, blue line after blue line. Just 2 weeks earlier, I had taken a test before our vacation to Mexico. When it came up negative, I took that as license to enjoy myself. My husband and I drank … [Read more...] about My advice to first trimester moms-to-be
Experienced moms share breastfeeding advice
When I was pregnant with my daughter last year, I attended a free breastfeeding seminar. My attitude was not exactly conducive to learning anything that wasn’t labor-related. My line of thinking at the time was, how hard could nursing be? Don’t you just pop the baby on and let him or her do their thing? So, you can imagine what a shock I experienced when my little one was born … [Read more...] about Experienced moms share breastfeeding advice