I have to laugh when I think back at the blunders I committed in my sleep-deprived stupor during our oldest son Mason’s first few months. And I often marvel at the fact that my kids are each still in one piece. I’ve never shared these stories with anyone. But I know you won’t judge me, so here goes... Read more: buy avodart online avodart no prescription online pharmacy … [Read more...] about Worst mom ever?
Genius tips for easing pregnancy stress right now
Prenatal tests—enough already! Choosing the perfect name—that conversation is getting way too old. And finding clothes for that ever-expanding bod? Make the torture end—now! Those are the cries of pre-birth stress, sister, and while they’re completely natural, you don’t have to suffer them willingly. Stress isn’t healthy for anyone, and, while we don’t want to scare … [Read more...] about Genius tips for easing pregnancy stress right now
Your ultimate guide to adjusting to motherhood
How to survive and thrive in a world where your new baby looms large Your hair is unwashed, you haven’t checked email in a week, and you have no clean underwear. Welcome to the “newborn zone,” a dimension controlled by a tiny dictator who has one priority: “Me. Now.” Of course, your infant is also your top priority. But there are a few other things you need to do, too. Like … [Read more...] about Your ultimate guide to adjusting to motherhood
How Down syndrome changed my perspective on motherhood
Seven months into my pregnancy, my doctor told me “Your amniotic fluid is low, you need to deliver today.” My fiancé’s sister drove me to the hospital and when I got a room in the labor and delivery area, the doctor finally came and I was induced with Pitocin. I was contracting so hard that the baby’s heart rate lowered and they gave me a choice of an epidural or a Cesarean … [Read more...] about How Down syndrome changed my perspective on motherhood
Dear new mom, don’t multi-task
Amid Tuesday’s tornado of getting the kids out the door, I got to thinking about the amazing multitasking skills that all mothers posses—or inevitably learn on the job. I was dressing Mason, helping Rex get off the toilet, eating my breakfast, checking email, and brainstorming story ideas all at the same time. I eventually got to work and the kids to school, but it wasn’t … [Read more...] about Dear new mom, don’t multi-task