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Review: NurturMe Meals and Snacks

My baby and I tried NurturMe’s new Dry Meal Pouches. I’m generally DIY when it comes to baby food, but there are certain times when convenience demands something a bit faster and more portable. I love the idea of these pouches – dried organic fruits, veggies, and grains that you just add liquid to for a quick and healthy meal. They come in a bunch of great flavors like Crisp Apples, Crunchy Carrots, Sweet Bananas, and Protein-Packed Quinoa.

I expected the biggest benefit of these pouches to be the convenience factor. Just toss them in a diaper bag and mix them up whenever you’re ready to eat – no cooler or microwave needed. That said, you still need some sort of container to mix it in and a spoon. If, like me, you happen to have a baby that has mastered how to suck the read-to-eat pouches without creating a giant mess, than those may be slightly easier for your run-of-the-mill brief outings though a bit bulkier and heavier.  If you are traveling or will be out for an extended period of time, than these small, light pouches that don’t require temperature control are an excellent choice. Surprisingly, I found myself reaching for these at home when the baby was hungry but dinner wasn’t quite ready yet. I was able to mix one up in a manner of seconds and have him happily munching while the frozen cubes defrosted. They really are that easy and I felt much better about giving him organic fruits/veggies than crackers or some other ”filler”.

And the taste? I’ll admit, it was hit and miss. The Apples and Bananas disappeared in seconds. The carrots and quinoa might be an acquired taste.  The consistency is great – perfectly smooth – fabulous for babies just starting out and potentially sensitive to chunkier purees. You can also mix them into other foods for flavor (think plain yogurt and starter cereals). I plan to continue stocking these to have on hand for quick snacks or meals and will also leave a few at Grandma’s house in case he gets hungry over there.

My daughter also tried the Yum-a-Roo’s dried fruit and veggie snacks for toddlers. Again, these disappeared in seconds. She was enamored by the bite-sized pieces and enjoyed counting and arranging them into shapes before popping them into her mouth. It’s tough to find a low-maintenance, portable, and healthy snack but these meet all those criteria. And since she has been asking for more, these are a winner in my book as well.

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