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Medela Pump In Style Tote

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MSRP: $250-$300

Weight 8 lbs, battery and AC adapter, car adapter available, let down, cycle/suction continuously variable, standard bottle, open system.

The Medela breast pump is attached to the tote (or other carrying bag depending on model) with its own easy-access compartment. While this makes it very portable, it may be harder to actually move while pumping and will take

up more space on a countertop or desk. It includes a let-down setting, with a button to switch from stimulation to expression phases (will otherwise automatically switch after two minutes). A single dial is used to control cycle/suction.

The breastshields are hard plastic and fit well over the breast with a good seal. The valve consists of two separate parts, including a hard plastic piece and a removable mem- brane. The Medela pumps are open systems, so extra care to keep tubing clean is needed.

Tote quality is very good with enough space to carry the cooler pack and other gear. However, as the tote is attached to the pump, you cannot repurpose it after your pumping days are over. As one of the more expensive personal pumps on the market, it includes many extras including a cooler with ice pack and four collecting bottles. Medela is the pump of choice for many hospitals.

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