Why should I have floor time with my baby or wear my baby? Between bumbos, swings, rockers, jumpers, and walkers, we have more options than ever for occupying our babies, but there can be serious downsides to these devices. In fact, there’s even a special name for babies who spend a lot of time in these objects – container babies. Read on to find out why you might want to say … [Read more...] about Preventing Container Baby Syndrome
Helping baby fall asleep without sucking
By Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns buy paxil online buy paxil online no prescription ~~~ There is something you can do to prevent your baby from developing such a strong suck-to-sleep association that it becomes an absolute necessity for sleep, and a firmly ingrained habit that is very hard to change. Yes, it’s true that some … [Read more...] about Helping baby fall asleep without sucking
Where does your newborn want to nap?
By Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns ~~~ Given a choice, your brand-new baby would sleep in your arms or in a sling for every single nap, every day. Your baby is one smart cookie! What’s not to love about the warmth and security of loving arms and the comfort of a familiar heartbeat, not to mention delicious, comforting milk at the … [Read more...] about Where does your newborn want to nap?
What are common cloth diaper mistakes for first time moms?
There are many benefits to using cloth diapers over disposables, but if you’re confused about the process, you’re not alone. Cloth diapering educator Amy Kessler gives us the rundown on why cloth is best and how to avoid common cloth diaper mistakes. What are the benefits of cloth diapers vs. disposables? Reduces impact on the environment Reduces child’s exposure to … [Read more...] about What are common cloth diaper mistakes for first time moms?
How do newborn babies sleep?
By Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns ~~~ Your baby doesn’t magically transform into a different life form at the moment of birth. He is the same person he was just a minute before in the womb. So, the first months of life are often referred to as the fourth trimester and should be treated as gentle entry into this world – with respect, … [Read more...] about How do newborn babies sleep?