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Twenty lifesaving tips for eating out with baby

eating out with baby

Baby as a dinner date? With this advice, yes! 

By Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns

Yes, you can go out to dinner and bring your baby along. Of course, the first time eating out with baby may be a tense experience—and you may need to redefine your idea of a “normal” night out, just as with any component of your life before baby. With a little planning, practice, and perspective, you’ll find that your baby can be an enjoyable dining partner.

Choosing the restaurant

The right choice of restaurant can mean the difference between an enjoyable event and an unpleasant one. Choose an establishment that:


Preparation is key when eating out with baby

Unless your baby can fall asleep anywhere, plan a restaurant excursion for right after your baby’s nap. If you have a newborn who can still sleep anywhere, it won’t matter what time you go; just bring in your car seat, stroller, or portable baby seat for him or her to sleep in, unless you’re comfortable and practiced at having a meal with baby in your arms.

Food for baby

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You have a number of options for your baby’s meal. For example, you can ask for an extra plate and give him or her pieces from your own meal (obviously, this works if you order something that baby likes as well). If you have more than one child along, you can order a meal for them to share. Another option that many parents don’t think of is to create your own entrees. You can determine what ingredients the kitchen has in stock by looking over the menu. Then simply ask for a few things in a polite way; most servers are happy to work with you. “Do you think I could get a slice of tomato, a piece of avocado and a banana for my baby?” If you’ve planned ahead and brought an empty sippy cup, you can ask your server to fill it with milk or juice.

Don’t be too worried about what your baby actually eats. As long as your little one’s happy, just enjoy your own meal. I’ve watched many parents ruin their own meal time by nagging their children to eat the entire time they are at a restaurant. Don’t fret!

Bringing what you need

Bring along a few items to enhance your restaurant experience and make dining out with baby a breeze.

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Keeping your baby happy

What seems like a short time to you can be an eternity to your baby. While you may be interested in the food, your baby won’t be. If he or she is at the stage of crawling, cruising, or walking, then sitting quietly in one seat for an hour or more can be torture. The following ideas can help you keep your baby happy for an extended period:


Elizabeth Pantley is a mother of four, grandmother, and author of the bestselling book, The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns plus 8 other books in the No-Cry Solution Series, which helps Moms and Dads through all key stages of parenting. Visit her at

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