There are so many wrong ideas out there about men's emotions. So often we are seen as emotionally incompetent and poor at sharing our feelings. Sadly, men often feel this way about themselves as well. In reality, men aren't primarily lacking in emotional intelligence, it's our society and each of us as members of this culture that are failing to give men what they need. … [Read more...] about Pregnancy Challenges: Why Men Don’t Share Their Feelings
Wife Love your Baby More Than You?
There's a horrible dark side to having a baby. It's supposed to be a wonderful experience of joy and love, but for far too many men it marks the end of their loving relationship with their wives. New moms are appropriately wired to become obsessed with their babies, but if we just stand back in our experience of being replaced, things can become miserable. Fortunately, there … [Read more...] about Wife Love your Baby More Than You?
3 Ways Gay Men make Great Dads
Gay parents aren't restrained by the same societal norms that quietly push straight parents into confined ruts of conditioned patterns. Freed of these constraints, they typically do a number of things that make for a more thriving family. Here are 3 of the ways that we can learn from their experience. Read it below if you prefer. Watch more videos at … [Read more...] about 3 Ways Gay Men make Great Dads
1 Key to being a Great Mom
Women's natural instincts to be great moms can unfortunately lead to a real imbalance in the family and cause a lot of unnecessary suffering. online pharmacy cipro with best prices today in the USA So often in today's homes, the women are overburdened with parenting responsibilities while the men feel like second class parents. online pharmacy buy zithromax no prescription … [Read more...] about 1 Key to being a Great Mom
1 Key to being a Great Dad
We see so many bad examples of what it means to be a dad these days. So many depictions of us bumbling through parenthood being disengaged or absent. Sometimes we see amazing examples of powerful dads that bring tears to our eyes. There is one key thing these fathers consistently do that makes them such amazing men. Fortunately, it's something we can all do. This … [Read more...] about 1 Key to being a Great Dad